Mrs. Anna Bragg and Dr. John Pendergrass
Since 1974, National Catholic Schools Week has been the annual celebration of Catholic education in the United States. It begins on the last Sunday in January and continues all week, which in 2023 is January 29 – February 4. During this week, our schools in the Diocese of Raleigh celebrate the support of our parishes, communities, students, nation, families, faculty, staff and volunteers. Additionally, schools celebrate vocations to help students explore the many life paths that enable them to use their talents well in the service of God and others.
Throughout Catholic Schools Week, parents are encouraged to consider choosing Catholic schools for the formation and education of their families. Assistant Superintendent Dr. John Pendergrass stated, “Our Catholic schools provide the environment and structure to ensure that each day includes the intentional foundations of the Holy Bible, the seven sacraments and the power of daily prayer. Parents are invited to consider a school with a worldview that is centered on God’s only begotten son, Jesus.”
As parents discern the decision to send their student to a Catholic School, that choice involves some sacrifice. Parents across the diocese have weighed the factors of tuition, uniforms, transportation and school location, but continue to find that Catholic schools are focused on the formation, not just the education, of their children. Pendergrass stated, “Children will not be shielded from all the tough choices that come with growing up, but they will learn that the path through life’s difficulties is better when traveled while holding our Savior’s hand. The benefits are many. Jesus, the author of life wants each person to find and live their vocation, and as John 10:10 reminds us ‘…I came so that they might have life and have it more abundantly (NABRE)’.”
As you and your loved ones consider Catholic schools, multiple resources are available for assistance and guidance. Families may find information about each of our diocesan 28 schools on the Diocese of Raleigh website. For information about the North Carolina Opportunity Scholarships, please take a moment to review the program guidelines at the NCSEEA website. Experience the strength and beauty of our Catholic schools as you discover and celebrate Catholic Schools Week 2023