'Emotional heart and tactical takeaways': School leaders attend training

August 8, 2024

RALEIGH – Leaders from Diocese of Raleigh Schools joined their counterparts from the NC Association of Independent Schools Aug. 1 for a safety workshop at St. David’s School.

The group of more than 150 professionals gathered to learn from one another and learn from Staci Batterson, an educator from Colorado and trainer for the I Love U Guys Foundation. She delivered a workshop centered on the organization’s standard response protocol and standard reunification method.

Diocesan school staff, clergy gather for Mass at cathedral

August 8, 2024

Pastors from parishes with schools, school principals, administrators, teachers and staff gathered at Holy Name of Jesus Cathedral to celebrate the annual All-Schools Employee Mass with Bishop Luis Rafael Zarama.

Bishop Luis noted during his homily that this is a special moment in the Diocese of Raleigh as we celebrate our Centennial. And he noted the important role of Catholic schools in that history and the importance of working with young people in the diocese.

Local principal presents at national event

April 8, 2024

PITTSBURGH – DawnMarie Smith is reincorporating something into her professional life. And, she said, it’s rewarding.

The Franciscan School principal recently presented to fellow educators at the 2024 National Catholic Educational Association’s Convention at the David L. Lawrence Convention Center in Pittsburgh, PA. The event typically draws thousands of educators from throughout the U.S. and Canada

Give Your Child the Gift of a Catholic Education

December 21, 2023

As parents, we all want the best for our children - to nurture them, challenge them, and set them on a path to thrive. If you live in the Raleigh and Eastern North Carolina region, I urge you to consider the exceptional value of a Catholic school education offered through the Diocese of Raleigh.


Leadership in our Catholic Schools: Supporting New Principals and Directors

May 16, 2023

Support for new school administrators is a key component in ensuring school vitality. Beginning this school year, the Diocese of Raleigh Office of Education implemented new intentional support structures for new principals and early childhood center directors.  Under the leadership of Assistant Superintendent Mrs. Marcia Edge Navarro, this research-based program equips new Catholic school administrators to serve their school communities successfully.

Becoming Catholic: Students attending Catholic school choose to join the Church

May 16, 2023

February 01, 2023

St. Thomas More School, Chapel Hill, NC

Several non-Catholic students at St. Thomas More School have made the decision to become Catholic. Throughout their journey, the students will participate in classes taught by Patti Wagner, former 2nd grade teacher at St. Thomas More, and Julie Hall, director of Elementary Faith Development. The classes will prepare the students to receive the sacraments of baptism, first reconciliation, First Holy Communion and confirmation.

NCEA Data Update

May 16, 2023

NCEA Data Update

Southeastern Catholic schools lead the nation in growth

Catholic Early Childhood Education – “Let the little children come to Me.”

May 12, 2023

From the moment mothers and fathers realize they’re expecting a baby, saying “I love you” to this new child is a constant litany in the best of families. Our beloved babies are kissed on the forehead, smiled at in strollers, and hear the words “I love you” morning, noon and night. The beauty of a new creation is a source of awe for everyone they encounter, as they learn to smile, wave and talk to the people in the bigger world. How do parents continue to spread the circle of trusted, caring adults as their baby grows into a toddler, and into an independent preschooler?