A Message From the Principal
Thank you for your interest in Saint Catherine of Siena Catholic School. The gift of Catholic Education that you are considering for your child is a sacrifice on your part which will provide a strong and lasting foundation for years to come. We are grateful to be considered as a partner in your child’s education. You have our commitment to academic excellence and the assurance of our prayers in the sacred duty of the formation of young souls for Jesus Christ.
In addition to our commitment to academic excellence, students and parents should consider the intentional environment of spiritual formation that lies at the heart of our teaching. Each week, the school community celebrates Mass together and the students participate in the key roles of lector, cantor, choir and usher. Throughout the year, students have the opportunity to engage in community service projects where they gain first-hand experience in the Christian life and our universal call to holiness.
Yours in Christ,
Mrs. Catherine Schwarz
In collaboration with the parish community, St. Catherine of Siena Catholic School is a family-centered and innovative educational environment where children are loved authentically; challenged and supported academically, creatively, socially, emotionally, and athletically.
Our students are encouraged, guided and formed in the Gospel truths and virtues with the ultimate goal of fostering a lifelong relationship with Jesus Christ through his Church.
Prayer is an essential part of each school day beginning with the daily gospel, a reflection and ending with the Act of Faith. All classes pray the rosary weekly. Students attend Mass on a weekly basis, fulfilling altar serving positions and choir during weekly and weekend Mass. Throughout the year, students engage in celebrations and activities that help them learn more about the virtuous lives of saints, the Bible and salvation history. Our religious curriculum is an integral part of the course of study and designed to assist the student in their spiritual formation.
At St. Catherine of Siena Catholic School, we strive to provide an academic experience that builds upon one's faith, knowledge and skills. Our faculty continually seeks to educate the individual child and utilize current instructional strategies for educating each student. All subjects are taught according to the guidelines of the Diocese of Raleigh, which are consistent with the state of North Carolina. Core subjects include religion, reading, mathematics, social studies, language arts and handwriting. Special subjects include art, media, music, physical education and Spanish.
St. Catherine of Siena Catholic School regards our interscholastic sports and extracurricular programs an integral asset to the development of the whole child. Through the dedication and generosity of our volunteer coaches, our student athletes learn many valuable lessons. We currently offer athletic teams and/or clinics in the following sports: cross country, soccer, ultimate frisbee, basketball, volleyball and golf (some sports at the competition level are 5th through 8th grades). After school/extracurricular activities include: chess club, book club, science Olympiad, academic decathlon, choir and safety patrol.

520 West Holding Avenue
Wake Forest, NC 27585
United States